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Hurricane Helene, Woman

Hurricane Helene Hero: FOX Meteorologist Saves Woman From Rising Floodwaters

When Mother Nature strikes, heroes sometimes emerge from the most unexpected places. In this case, a FOX Weather meteorologist became an unlikely savior during a live broadcast in Atlanta as Hurricane Helene unleashed her fury.

A Crisis in Real Time

Friday, Atlanta was already grappling with severe flooding from Hurricane Helene, but meteorologist Bob Van Dillen had no idea his live report would turn into a rescue mission. During the broadcast, Van Dillen noticed a woman trapped in her car as floodwaters rapidly engulfed it.

In his own words, he described the scene to Fox & Friends:

“I know that we’re swamped here with all of the 911 calls… you could hear her screaming, real loud, through my live shot.”

Van Dillen’s internal conflict was clear: Stay professional, or act quickly? His decision came fast. He chose action.

Hurricane Helene, Woman

Into the Deep End: Bob Van Dillen’s Heroic Rescue

Without waiting for emergency responders—who were swamped with other rescues—Van Dillen made a split-second decision to step off the sidelines and into the chest-deep floodwater. No hesitation, no second-guessing. He was live on air, yet the urgency in the woman’s voice pushed him into action.

Fox’s Janice Dean didn’t let him stay humble about it either, reminding him, “She would have drowned,” if he hadn’t intervened. Van Dillen downplayed his heroics but shared just how intense the situation was.

“She was still strapped into her car and the water was actually rising… almost neck deep.”

Not exactly your typical workday for a meteorologist.

A Calm Amid the Chaos

While floodwaters swirled, Van Dillen guided the woman step by step. He had her undo her seatbelt and collected her phone and bags before carrying her to safety. No drama. No panic. Just quick thinking. The woman, understandably in shock, was shivering, soaked, and cold, but alive.

Van Dillen gave her his shirt and made sure she stayed warm until the fire department arrived—though by then, they had other rescues to attend to. “Her husband just picked her up about five minutes ago,” he added, wrapping up his story on a calm note.

A Snapshot of Helene’s Destruction

As the storm slammed the Southeast, causing record flash flooding, rescues like this became a common theme. From Georgia to the mid-Atlantic, Hurricane Helene left rivers spilling over their banks, communities submerged, and residents trapped in their homes and vehicles. It’s a scene we’ve seen far too often with the rise in extreme weather events.

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But amidst the destruction, stories like Van Dillen’s remind us of the everyday heroes who act without hesitation when lives are on the line.

Final Thoughts: A Simple Act of Heroism

Van Dillen downplayed his role, but make no mistake—he saved a life. And while he may brush off the term “hero,” the reality is clear. He didn’t just report the news that day. He made it.

For every storm, there’s a story of resilience. This time, it was a weather report turned rescue mission that captivated viewers. It’s moments like these that offer a glimmer of hope, even in the darkest storms.