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From Struggling Mom to $10K a Month: How I Built a Successful Passive Income Business

My best advice for starting a successful side hustle.

When I first heard the term “passive income,” I laughed. I thought it was a myth. Growing up, I didn’t know anyone making money while sleeping, let alone turning it into a career. But a few years ago, I had a conversation that changed everything.

I met a woman who made money from real estate. I respected her and seeing her success opened my eyes to new possibilities. Fast forward to today: I’m a 36-year-old mom of two, and I earn over $10,000 in passive income each month. It wasn’t an overnight success, and the journey wasn’t always smooth. In fact, it started during one of the toughest times of my life—when I was battling postpartum depression.

But now, I’ve built a system that works for me, generating income from four different streams. I’m here to share what I’ve learned, and how you can start your own side hustle. Let’s dive in.

1. Do Your Research

First things first: Passive income does not mean zero work. Trust me, I’ve put in the time. The key is front-loading the effort so you can reap the rewards later.

When I started, I was overly eager and jumped into selling budgeting templates on Etsy without doing enough research. Big mistake. Low demand, high competition, and poor sales followed. It wasn’t until I did some deep diving into keywords, trends, and market demands that I discovered more successful niches, like party games and business templates.

Lesson learned? Research, research, research. If you’re not aware of your competition or customer needs, you’ll end up wasting time and money. Use tools like Pinterest and Google Trends to understand what’s trending in your chosen space. And for the love of all things hustling—run financial projections! Know your costs before you even think about spending a cent.

Key Takeaway: A side hustle needs a solid foundation, and research is the blueprint.

mom, $10k ,Passive Income

2. Set Aside Time to Grow Your Side Hustle

Let’s get real for a second: Building passive income streams requires time. A lot of time. And if you’re balancing a full-time job, kids, or even a thriving social life, this can be a challenge.

In my case, I was working full-time in higher education, trying to manage postpartum depression and motherhood. But I still carved out 8-10 hours a week to work on my side hustle. Consistency is key. Over time, I upped my efforts to 20-30 hours per week, actively developing new products and skills. Now? I spend as little as 15 minutes a day answering messages and inquiries.

Slow and steady is the game plan. You won’t see success overnight, but by sticking to a schedule and making incremental progress, you’ll eventually get there.

Pro Tip: Block out time on your calendar. If you don’t make time, your side hustle will always take a back seat.

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3. Automate Everything

One of the best things about passive income is the ability to step back while your business still runs. And automation is your golden ticket to freedom.

I sell digital products on Etsy, and one of the great things about the platform is that it automatically delivers products once a customer pays. I’ve also automated my email marketing with Convertkit. It saves me hours of work, meaning I can spend more time focusing on my family and less on administrative tasks.

The more you automate, the less you have to do manually—and the more freedom you’ll have.

Pro Tip: Automation isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for scaling your side hustle.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Here’s a truth bomb: You don’t have to go it alone. I sure didn’t. I dabbled with different side hustles for years before finding a course that changed my business trajectory.

After taking a course by Gold City Ventures (discovered through a podcast), I learned how to successfully sell digital products. The course streamlined everything, and in about a month, I had my Etsy business up and running. It took another nine months to start making consistent passive income.

Having a mentor or joining a community of like-minded hustlers can boost your chances of success. They offer insight, advice, and much-needed accountability.

Takeaway: Surround yourself with people who know what they’re doing, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

5. Diversify Your Income Streams

Relying on one income source is like putting all your eggs in one basket—a pandemic, economic downturn, or market shift could break that basket wide open.

My passive income portfolio includes stocks, bonds, real estate, and my digital products business. This diversification has helped me weather the ups and downs of the market and maintain a steady income.

By spreading your income streams across multiple sources, you reduce risk and increase your chances of consistent returns. It’s a strategy that’s saved me from sleepless nights more than once.

Pro Tip: Don’t put all your faith in one income stream. Diversify early.

6. There’s No Perfect Time to Start

If you’re waiting for the stars to align or for that perfect moment to launch your side hustle, you’ll be waiting forever. Trust me, I’ve been there. I credit studying positive psychology in grad school with changing my mindset and helping me stop waiting for the “right time.”

Books like Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee Adams taught me to shift my thinking from “Why bother?” to “What can I learn?” And that mindset has been a game-changer.

Action leads to progress, even if it’s imperfect. Failure is part of the process, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and improve. Don’t let fear or overthinking hold you back.

Key Takeaway: The best time to start is now. Small steps lead to big progress over time.

Ready to Start Your Side Hustle?

There’s no magic formula for success, but with a solid plan, research, and a willingness to learn, you can create a side hustle that turns into a passive income stream. Whether you’re looking for extra cash or aiming to build a full-time business, the journey starts with one step.